When it comes to oral surgery procedures, precision and thorough planning are key to ensuring the best possible outcomes for your oral health needs. This is where the advanced technology of CT (Computed Tomography) scanning plays a crucial role, offering unparalleled insights into the intricate anatomical structures of the oral and maxillofacial region. As a patient, understanding the benefits and applications of CT scanning can significantly enhance your comfort level and confidence in the treatment process.

CT scanning, also sometimes known as CBCT or cone beam imaging, is a sophisticated imaging technique that allows our oral surgeon to obtain detailed three-dimensional images of your teeth, jawbone and surrounding tissues. This technology is instrumental in diagnosing complex dental issues, planning surgical interventions and monitoring treatment progress. Unlike traditional X-rays, CT scans provide a comprehensive view of your oral cavity, including the density of bone tissue, which is crucial for procedures such as dental implant placement.

In fact, dental implant placement is one of the key applications of CT scanning. This technology enables precise mapping of the jawbone, allowing the surgeon to determine the optimal placement of implants, considering vital structures such as nerves and sinuses. This not only increases the success rate of implant surgery but also minimizes the risk of complications. CT scanning is also invaluable in evaluating the jaws and face, diagnosing tooth decay and detecting endodontic problems. It plays a significant role in planning root canal therapy, analyzing dental and facial trauma and assessing TMJ disorders.

The comprehensive view provided by CT scanning goes beyond the capabilities of digital X-rays, offering a detailed perspective of the mouth, teeth and surrounding structures. This level of detail aids in diagnosing conditions that may not be visible with less advanced imaging techniques, ensuring that no aspect of your oral health is overlooked.

Our oral surgeon and team prioritize your comfort and safety, using CT scanning technology to enhance the precision of your diagnosis and the effectiveness of your treatment plan. By embracing this advanced imaging technique, we are equipped to address a wide range of dental and maxillofacial conditions with greater accuracy and success. We can also provide you with a clear understanding of your exact oral condition and treatment plan, alleviating any concerns you may have prior to your procedure.

To learn more about CT scanning in Glendale, Arizona, and schedule a consultation with Dr. Erica Becker, please contact Sunrise Mountain Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at 623-231-5220. We are here to answer your questions and ensure you receive the highest possible level of individualized care.