Dealing with dental infections can be a distressing experience, marked by discomfort and sometimes severe pain. While there are various treatments available, oral surgery is an excellent option for certain types of dental infections, particularly when they have progressed beyond the early stages. If you are navigating through your options to treat a dental infection, understanding the role of oral surgery can help you make informed decisions about your oral health.

Dental infections, if left untreated, can lead to more serious health issues, including the spread of infection to other parts of the body. This underscores the importance of early intervention. Oral surgery becomes a necessary treatment option when the infection has led to an abscess or has affected the tooth roots. Such conditions often require procedures beyond antibiotics or root canal treatments.

Oral surgery for dental infections might involve the removal of the infected tooth (extraction) or the surgical removal of infected gum tissue. In more severe cases, an abscess may need to be drained surgically. The primary goal of these surgeries is not just to treat the infection but also to prevent its recurrence and spread.

Undergoing oral surgery might seem daunting, but advancements in dental technology and anesthesia have made these procedures more comfortable and less invasive than ever before. Dr. Erica Becker will work closely with you to ensure you understand the procedure, the care required post-surgery and how to manage any discomfort during your recovery.

It is also worth noting that oral surgery addresses not just the immediate infection but also helps in preserving the health of adjacent teeth and tissues. By removing sources of infection, surgery can prevent further damage to your oral health and, in many cases, can be a pivotal step towards restoring your mouth’s functionality and appearance.

Remember, the key to managing dental infections effectively is prompt action. If you suspect you have a dental infection, call Sunrise Mountain Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at 623-231-5220 as soon as possible to schedule a consultation with our experienced oral surgeon. Dr. Becker can assess the extent of the infection and discuss if a surgical treatment for dental infection in Glendale, Arizona, is the right option for you.